New York, NY
Business Preparedness and Resiliency Program (Business PREP):

McKissack, as a subconsultant, is provided assessment support services for this contract. Business PREP is a $7.1 million program to help small businesses prepare for emergencies and enhance the resiliency of their operations, assets and physical space. This includes developing guidelines and templates and delivering the resiliency assessment; verifying the eligibility of applying businesses, according to the criteria provided by SBS; managing the workflow of the Assessment Program development and service delivery; troubleshooting operational issues or complicated customers; reporting progress to SBS regularly; and meeting SBS deadlines.
Project Details
- Location:
- Owner:
New York City Small Business Services (SBS)
- Value:
$2.6 Million
- Services:
Assessment Support
New York
498 Seventh Avenue, 17th Floor – South
New York, NY 10018
T: 212.349.6500
F: 332.895.0414
Mount Vernon
12 E 3rd Street
Mount Vernon, NY 10550
T: 914.771.1217
123 South Broad Street, Suite 2740
Philadelphia, PA 19109
T: 215.988.9450
F: 215.988.9434